Most home burglaries are opportunistic, meaning if your home appears to be safe and secure, you are less likely to be burgled. There are a number of ways to ensure that you protect your home and minimise the risk of being broken into. Here we discuss our top tips to make your property safer.
1. Secure the area.
Installing fences and gates around your property is an instant deterrent for any burglar. It makes your property harder to get into and ensures that your belongings are not on show. Seeing as most home burglaries are by opportunists, fences will instantly discourage burglars. With our range of fencing and gate options, you don’t have to compromise on design – we can create custom work for your specific project. With our new range of ‘Ezi-Ali’ gates and fencing, you can also install them yourselves, contact us for more information.
2. Lighting
Lighting is a brilliant way to add security to your home. Simply having lights on in a home, will put off burglars, by making them believe someone is in the house. Obviously you don’t want lights on all the time, it would be quite costly and not to mention not very energy efficient; however there is a range of technology that allows you to set your lighting to turn on at specific times, through a timer. With home technology you can even turn your lights on, from afar, with your smart phone. Motion sensor lighting is also a great way to put off unwanted visitors.
3. Appearances
The easiest way to deter burglars, is to simply make it look like someone is there. Keep up appearances by leaving a pair of shoes outside the home. If you are going on holiday, why not leave your car in the driveway and catch a ride to the airport. Ask your neighbours to pop round and open/close your curtains, or even take your trash can out on garbage day – making your home look lived in.
4. Alarm System
Probably the most obvious solution, install an alarm system. Even just making it look like you have an alarm system will make your property look more secure and deter burglars. Don’t however put the brand of alarm system on your windows, it will make it easier for burglars to know what alarm system you use and disable the alarm. Choose an alarm system that uses motion sensors as well as protecting doors and windows, for added security.
Protecting your home is easier than you think. Visit our website or contact us, to find out how we can protect your home with fencing and gate solutions.